Breakfast Monster Cookies - Grrrr ... Yum!

The scariest thing about these cookies is how fast they disappear! You'd never guess they were healthy.

cookies for fall

Breakfast Monster Cookies
6 eggs
1 Cup butter
2 Cups brown sugar
1 1/2 Cup honey (I substituted sugar and molasses and they were great!)
9 Cups oatmeal
4 tsp. soda
18 to 24 oz. peanut butter
1 tbsp. vanilla
1 Cup dried milk
1 Cup golden raisins
1 Cup dates
1 (6 oz.) pkg. dried mixed fruit
12 oz. chocolate chips (optional, but come on, is chocolate ever optional?)

Mix ingredients in order. Use a tablespoon to make large scoops. Flatten to 3/4 of an inch (though I didn't flatten mine and they came out fine). Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. Do not overbake. These really are a meal in themselves (or so I tell myself when I'm nicking three and calling it lunch).


  1. Yumm! I will have to try these.

    I noticed on your sidebar you are using Tapestry of grace. Are you using redesign? Is this your first year?

    I have used and in this order year 2, year 1 over 2 years, year 2 again ( I know crazy hu?) and we are now in year 3 unit 1 week 9 ( sorta stuck at the moment, we were side tracked with a Lewis and Clark field trip and i have not found my grove again)and hope to complete unit 1 before Thanksgiving! LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  2. These sound really good!! My 9-y-o has been begging to bake something ~ we'll have to give these a try.



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