We raced home to get everything in the oven for the party - Grandma and Grandpa couldn't stay past 1pm (Grandpa's work), so I didn't have much time. I'd also neglected to decorate the cake! I'd say my rushed attempt at building Candyland in cake form (thanks to Taste of Home for that idea!) went pretty well.
It sure tasted good to most of us (Dr. D doesn't like candy, so he picked it off. Strange man, he is).
The little Candyland man drowning in Chocolate was a special tribute to Grandma, who in turn got that slice for her own. Grandma sure likes her chocolate!
And there had to be gifts. What's birthday without days and days and days of, "Mom, give me a hint! Please!!!" "Ok, it starts with the letter 's'" St. Nick wrote down 's'. "Next letter 'u'" St. Nick wrote that down. Then he wrote down the rest of the letters: RPRISE. "AW, MOM! That's not a HINT!"
Ha! What a delight to see his joy when he Finally got to rip into those packages. The Lego dinosaur is almost completely assembled, by the way. If St. Nick hadn't have his last Camp Roger class today, I'm sure it would be done already. Amazing!
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