Just today Sgt. Dody had put out an announcement on the Loosethreads group, that those on the "Official List" needed to email her immediately. Well, I did but somehow I had a feeling ...
And then the mailman stopped his van right in front of my house! Woo Hoo! This is IT, I thought. I raced to the porch, yelled, "Thank you!" to the mailman, and raced inside with the box. Ooof it was heavy! Did she send me a lead ornament? Books?
I called Dr. D - I had to try his office, his cell (new - I called mostly just for the fun of it), and he called me back right as I was picking up the scissors to open the box without him. "Should I wait for you?" I asked. "No, of course not! It's for you, isn't it?" It was my name on the label, and the name on the return of some woman in a state that sounded like it could possibly be one of the Sisterhood. So, I tore it open.
A little card! How cute! It said, "Enjoy, Rebecca! Thank you and God Bless. *Please leave feedback."
Uh, what? Feedback? I pushed passed the bubble wrap and what do I see? Fifty vintage comic books. Of course! "It's the comic books for Nicholas!!!" I was almost as happy as I'd have been if it really had been from my Secret Sister. St. Nick is a comic book fanatic, but do you know what comic books these days are like? EWWWW! Not for an almost-seven-year-old. A few days ago I'd won a lot of them off eBay.
They will make one little boy VERY happy (once I check them all for content - I am such an overprotective neurotic nutty mom).
I resigned myself to waiting FOREVER for my SS package, and for the mystery to be revealed. Imagine me turning up the Bing Christmas tunes, managing a craft with the kiddos involving glue (I know! How dangerous! More on that later), and sitting down to address a few more Christmas Cards.
What should pull up in front of my house than the UPS truck! Who should come up my walk with a nice li'l box than a UPS guy! What should be in his hand but a Package for ME with the return address "Your SS" in OK!!
It came! It came!
I didn't even consider calling Dr. D this time.
After reading a touching and wonderful letter, with the so funny and endearing line, "I'm writing in my favorite color instead of yours because the yellow was really hard to read and I couldn't find a plaid pen," I brought the package to the dining room and, with two VERY excited little boys, opened it.
You can't imagine how THRILLED my guys were to see that there was something in it for them - and a craft, at that!
A recipe for assembling their ornaments.
Fish trying to knock over the tree while I'm distracted.
What to use.
Some of the goodies.
I was just as thrilled! Anyone who knows me knows that crafts are not my strength. I never would have thought to do a craft like this but it will be WONDERFUL! So easy and fun! I truly thought that was it and was overjoyed. What a perfect SS gift, and something I can share with my dear, dear children!
But there was MORE!!!! I unwrapped a large bundle and found an absolutely gorgeous sterling silver globe with a nativity (something I collect but FORGOT TO MENTION on my SS application!!!!!! HOW did she KNOW?!? Ok, I'll lay off the all caps and exclamations now, but I'm SO PLEASED!!!) Words cannot do this ornament justice.
Isn't it beautiful?!
A huge Thank You to my Secret Sister, Michelle in OK!
What fun! I can see how the kids love the craft box that was sent!
Thanks Laurie! I'm saving this craft for next week - then I'm sure I'll put pictures of that up too.