Union soldiers. Mud Pie did NOT like the noise. At all.
Confederate soldiers.
The cider mill - with lots of bees. Again, Mud Pie was not impressed by the noisy machines. In fact, I'm trying to think what did impress Mud Pie and I'm drawing a blank. She has a fear of anything loud, dark, smelly ... garages, trucks, cars, animals (but not her brothers! Though they do meet the requirements).
Oh, the apples! She did like the apples. In fact, about all she did was clutch her apple and cry.
We all (with one exception) thought the covered bridge was cool.
And I love the costumes. Actually, I do think Mud commented on the "pwety dwess" once or twice.
But the warfare was the big hit for the boys. Not that I'm surprised ...
Hi, St. Nick!
Caption: "Should we take 'im out or shoot 'im in the stocks?"
"Time to clean up your act!" (Groan - that's soap, by the way. In case it wasn't obvious.)
My impression of the event was awe. I walked around googly-eyed, in love with everything. "This is SO COOL!" I remember saying a few times. St. Nick got bored (we discovered later that he had a nasty cold coming on), Little Fish was his usual along-for-the-ride self, and I already mentioned Mud Pie's reaction. I am certainly going to look for more of these events, and eventually, wouldn't it be awesome to participate? Talk about Living History!
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