Dorky Postpartum Obsessiveness (I Made Wool Diaper Covers!)

How's that for a groovy title? Let's see how many Google search hits I get - thinking zero. Anyhow, there's something about maternal hormones, and being on maternity leave from writing, and being a wee little bit cheap frugal ... and maybe a bit touched in the head.

But I got in my craw that Sweet Little Penny needed another wool diaper cover. Ok, she did need another (one Aristocrat doesn't cut it), but did I really need to make it myself? Did I?

Of course I did! Don't be silly!

I looked at some instructions online, trolled GoodWill for 100% wool sweaters, and set to work. The outcome:

Three super cute wool soakers. Surprisingly, two are too big (the blue ones), which leaves us with my all-time favorite cover ever ever ever:

Perhaps I went a bit overboard with the custom-dyed wool moon and star appliqued on the bum. But doesn't this sweetie deserve the best?

Of course she does!

Websites with good instructions:
The Sewing Dork on making Longies - I made some important alterations to the pattern - to be detailed in a later post. If I get around to it.
Upcycling Wool Sweaters into Soakers

(P.S. What is a "craw" anyway?)


  1. Definition of CRAW
    1: the crop of a bird or insect
    2: the stomach especially of a lower animal

    Thanks for asking. Now we both know :)

  2. Looks great!

    P.S. Your baby is ADORABLE!!

  3. We were both almost right about CRAW ... ;-)


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