Repetition, alliteration, fully developed plotline. All of these fine qualities combine as poor Mike Mulligan, who loves his steam shovel Mary Ann, must find his place in a world changed by technology. He takes on the job of digging a new town hall and, despite antagonist Henry B. Swap smiling in a rather mean way, succeeds. Through an unexpected twist, Mike secures a future for both himself and his beloved Mary Ann. A few further thoughts:
- Tidy illustrations personify Mary Ann, illuminating the text and Mike and Mary Ann’s friendship.
- Henry B. Swap changes by the end, coming to appreciate Mike and Mary Ann and to smile in a way that’s not mean at all. A nice dynamic.
- But the book is a little long for a contemporary read-aloud. It’s difficult (tedious) to complete at one sitting. So don't beat yourself up if you skip a line here or there.
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