Since We Were Talking About Pepperplate

We were, right? Yet another Amazing Advantage of the uber-super recipe management tool: Pepperplate, which is like Ziplist and a host of others, only prettier and more powerful.

The other day I desperately needed to finish a Skype call with a colleague to wrap up a project. I also desperately needed to start dinner. Dr. D had been asking, "What are we having?" for like ever so finally I said, "Check the menu!" Because I print off the calendar page of Pepperplate at the start of the week and post it on the refrigerator.

The question then became, "What can I do to get started?" Which in the past would have been answered by, "You'll just have to wait!" Because unless it's tacos or spaghetti, explaining where the recipe is and how to find it (or the fact that I have no recipe, or how to follow the recipe but omit these ingredients and substitute those, etc.) is just too much.

Not this time! I said, "Look up the recipe on your phone!" So he did.

And would you believe it? Dr. D had most of the meal prepared by the time I finished my call! Now THAT is a Pepperplate success.

1 comment:

  1. The bookmarklet for Pepperplate works great on the Apple iPad. Lets you save content while browsing.


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